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Visit my X/Twitter pageHeadshot of Chris Nicholas in the snow


Developer experience at Liveblocks

I’ve been working as a DX engineer at Liveblocks since the start of 2022, and I’m the final approver of all content we release. I perform a range of day-to-day tasks related to educating our users, making our product shine, and empowering our customers—let me show you.


I write all of our documentation, guides, and tutorials.

Liveblocks API docs
Liveblocks API docs

This often includes building the website too, for example I implemented and wrote our interactive tutorial.

Liveblocks interactive tutorial


I create most of our examples, designed to give users a quick start towards building their product.

A multiplayer drawing tool example

Examples range from simple to complex, with some being closer to entire applications, such as our starter kit.

Liveblocks starter kit


I write many of our articles, most of which are released alongside an update.

Liveblocks articles listing me as the author
Liveblocks articles listing me as the author

Some articles are more creative, and involve interactive elements to aid learning.

An interactive element in an article

Social Media

I write all of our social media posts.

Liveblocks X/Twitter screenshot
Liveblocks X/Twitter screenshot

I also regularly post on my personal feed, sharing demos I’ve created, spreading the word, and educating users.

My X/Twitter screenshot
My X/Twitter screenshot


I handle a large percentage of our support requests, triaging relevant information for the team, regularly starting discussions that lead to new features.


I’m the most experienced user of Liveblocks, and the team rely on me to test all new features before they’re released.


I write much of our marketing text, and also carefully check and edit all content we release.

Designed by Liveblocks devs
Designed by Liveblocks devs

I think that’s most of it! Please note that our CEO (Steven) and design engineers (Marc, Pierre) created many of the Liveblocks designs in these screenshots.